
1. You can exit game play screen by pressing Esc, and enter it later.

2. But when you exit read screen, the content is cleared.

3. Press F12, open Console, type "ScriptLoader.config.DisplayBoth=true" to Enable Chinese Text.

4. There is difference in the positioning of characters, some NPC character images I can't find, and the transition

effect, and no ambience sound.

5. Press arrow keys to navigate, or mouse click, or mouse wheel.

6. I didn't implement cross chapter jump feature, so there maybe a break between chapters.

7. Sometimes you want to jump, type "ScriptLoader.SetLine(999)" in the Console. But jump can lead to quirk state.

8. The branch selection is not implemented.

9. To disable the typing effect, "ScriptLoader.config.DisableTyping=true"

10. type "ScriptLoader.Current()" to see which line it is.